Category Archives: SPSS

The Benefits of Progress Charts

Dissertation companies often offer some interesting services to help their clients. One such service that some companies offer is the progress chart. So what is the progress chart? As the name suggests, it details the progress of how far the work on the client’s project has been completed. This is basically how it works. Once […]

Role of Meta Analysis in dissertation writing

Meta analysis is a statistical method used to identify a pattern across studies. Meta analysis is a review technique that gives a quantitative outcome across studies. Meta analysis is helpful to identify study result pattern, disagreement source in the result and other relationships that may come into focus while analysis. Advantages of Meta analysis include […]

Choosing the best testing tool for your research data

Research is formal work that is carried out systematically in the view of acquiring new knowledge and solving any business issue or problem. Research work may be continuing of any previous work. There are many forms of research such as scientific, humanity and artistic. It is the process of steps used to analyze the information […]